Richard Hayward left British Footpaths guides to be continued and enjoyed by walkers following their waymarked paths across England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland.  Richard intended periodic updates of his “wee” guides, and his extra field notes may also allow sharing a few additional paths he so loved with future walkers.

As Richard says, “A walking trip is a life in miniature.”  And adds, “In an age when ‘old’ means last year's computer chip, and bestsellers are out of date a week after publication, perhaps it is good to recall British footpaths.  They still bind the landscape together much as they did for the Romans, Saxons, and Celts, not to mention Norman lords and Neolithic farmers.  These ancient paths remind us we are all part of the same human story, after all.  Books about British footpaths seem to be as timeless as the paths themselves.  They affirm life on a human scale, and a connection with the past that can be deeply reassuring.  The stories, guides, and journals of Alfred Wainwright, John Hillaby, Hunter Davies, Wilkie Collins, and Dorothy Wordsworth -- to name only a few -- will be with us as long as England has stone walls in Yorkshire, mushrooms in Hampshire, and an English sunrise over the next hill.  And if publishers stop publishing them, then people will hand-copy favorite stories and guides, or write their own, so they can relive serendipitous journeys that nourish their spirits and remind them that all the world and love can still be young.  Walking books are England's literature of hope.”

So British Footpath’s stories may help us discover and enjoy another new sunrise, as we walk yet another British footpath where we indeed truly experience a life in miniature “And if you walk lightly amid the noise and haste, there will be moments you feel utterly, naively alive.… And that, in the end, is what it’s all about.” 

British Footpath Guide Book Locations

The paths selected for the British Footpaths guide book series are for first time walkers who want to explore Scotland, Wales, Ireland or England but have a limited time and budget. These selected paths traverse coastal areas, river courses, canal routes, and ridgeways. These paths are neither excessive hilly nor rough, but offer an alternative way to enjoy a week of two on holiday in the British Isles visiting castles, battle fields, lives of royalty, along miles and miles of countryside where much of America originated. These guides describe long distance paths allowing daily walks of about six or more miles per day between villages. All Britishfootpaths walks have a human scale for first time British walkers, allowing time to savor your journey while refreshing your soul. Of course, one could force march along these paths turning them into rough hiking trails, slogging your way day after day, if your only purpose is to finish your walk across England (just as for some, the sole idea in reading a book, or living a life, seems to be to finish it – as fast as possible). Here our purpose is to immerse ourselves in our journey, allowing ourselves the experience of being touched by the rich history and the personal lives embroidered into the landscape.



N. Ireland









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